The NLB Group rejects all types of bribery and corruption. These forms of action are unfair, illegal and damage the countries in which the corruptive practices take place, and the society in general.
The NLB Group offers no bribes or inappropriate incentives for any purpose whatsoever, nor does it accept them. We expect and demand the same conduct from our clients, business partners and third persons.
Inadmissible acts are categorically rejected and actively prevented in our business. The employees of the NLB Group thus carefully build partnerships with all stakeholders of the NLB Group and are obliged to prevent their occurrence.
Therefore, all employees of the NLB Group are subject to limitations in giving and accepting gifts, offering hospitality and otherwise influencing the conduct of the employees of the NLB Group.
In addition to bribery and corruption, the NLB Group identifies as harmful behaviour also fraud, abuse, counterfeit and all other actions that could result in regulatory sanctions, criminal liability, reputation or integrity, and which have been committed to the detriment of an individual or all members of the NLB Group or their employees, customers and business partners.
We at the NLB Group believe that responsible corporate governance is more than just respecting the laws, regulations and standards. An important part of our operation is also the integrity and transparency of operations.
All employees of the NLB Group are thus expected to understand and accept responsibility for adopting the right decisions. The prevention of other harmful conduct is the responsibility of all employees.
If they notice any harmful conduct the employees of the NLB Group are obliged to immediately report their concerns and observations.
Every employee is thus obliged to immediately report any information on anything they believe, in good faith, could present a violation or non-compliance with the regulations or internal rules, or in the event of harmful conduct. The NLB Group encourages the reporting of conduct in cases an employee is aware that something “is amiss”.
It is the duty of every employee who has been informed of harmful conduct by a colleague, a customer or third party to promptly report such harmful conduct to their direct superior (unless there is suspicion that such direct superior is a participant in such harmful conduct or if informing them could negatively affect the progress of the investigation into such conduct due to the prescribed legal deadlines for implementing the procedures in the field of labour legislation), who forwards the case to the organisational unit in charge of compliance. The employee submits the report via one of the available communication paths established with the aim of submitting reports of suspicious harmful conduct (can also be anonymous). If an employee is not convinced that a potential action has the nature of misconduct, unlawful or unethical action, they may consult their superior or directly the organisational unit in charge of compliance.
In these cases, the NLB Group does not tolerate or allow any retaliation against the employees who bona fide report a suspected harmful conduct, even if it turns out that the action reported was not unfair or unlawful, but was reported bona fide. We guarantee protection of identity of the person who bona fide reports misconduct as well as those to whom such reports on misconduct refer.
If somebody offers you a benefit to influence your conduct or action, that is a bribe. If someone wants to use their position to obtain benefit for themselves, that is corruption. An employee of the NLB cannot give or accept bribe. We may not participate or allow corruption in any form at any level. We must ensure that our actions and conduct do not give the impression that we are inclined towards bribery or corruption.
The risk of corruption can occur in any activity carried out in the NLB Group, whenever we are in contact with third persons. It has many forms: in the tenders and selection of suppliers in purchasing procedures, costs, gifts, hospitality, deciding on employment, sponsorships, donations, activities of our clients, and so on. We are obliged to carefully consider which activities can be exposed to corruption risks and prevent such actions.
Gifts that are absolutely prohibited to give or accept are rejected categorically. The NLB Group is aware that certain gifts of small value can be part of establishment or maintenance of a business relationship. If we receive such attention, the gifts or expressions of hospitality may in no way affect the business decisions we adopt.
In the case of suspicion as well as actual misconduct of our colleagues, customers, business partners and other persons, the employees are obliged to report such actions. Only if we are aware of this can we react swiftly and prevent damage or restrict damage that the employees, Bank or other members of the Group will have difficulties remedying.
The NLB Group encourages bona fide reports, namely reports based on available information and observations that make you reasonably suspect or know of any harmful conduct.
When handling and investigating individual reports, the data in the report are strictly protected, and this ensures the protection of the whistle-blower during the entire procedure of disclosure and potential sanctioning of misconduct.
To report irregularities, use the established paths for reporting violations which guarantee your anonymity, or contact the organisational unit in charge of compliance in your company, member of the NLB Group.